Who are we?


To enhance the cybersecurity resilience of the maritime industry through cutting-edge research, expert advice, training, and education. We aim to provide cybersecurity services to public and private organisations in the maritime sector and create an international platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among cybersecurity professionals. Our goal is to promote safe and secure maritime operations and protect the integrity of critical maritime infrastructure and assets.


To become a regional leader and a global player in maritime cybersecurity by providing innovative solutions and expert services that help ensure the maritime industry’s safety, security, and sustainability. We strive to foster a culture of cybersecurity awareness, cooperation and best practices throughout the industry and to empower maritime organisations with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to mitigate cyber risks and threats. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to a safer and more resilient maritime ecosystem for the benefit of all stakeholders.

About Us

The Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence is a leading provider of cybersecurity services and solutions for the maritime industry. Our mission is to enhance the cybersecurity resilience of the maritime sector through innovative research, expert advice, training, and education. We provide a wide range of cybersecurity services to public and private organisations in the maritime industry, including vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, incident response, and compliance assessments. 

Our cybersecurity experts bring together extensive experience and knowledge of the maritime industry and cybersecurity best practices. 

Our centre is based at the Maritime University of Constanta, a Romanian public university that provides bachelor and master programs for the maritime industry. We work closely with the university’s faculty and students to develop and deliver cutting-edge research and education programs that address the maritime sector’s complex cybersecurity challenges. We also collaborate with industry partners, governmental agencies, and other organisations to promote awareness, knowledge-sharing, and innovation in the maritime industry.

At the Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical and professional standards in our work. We value diversity and inclusivity and strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all members of our community. A set of core values, including excellence, innovation, collaboration, integrity, continuous learning, and service orientation, guides our centre. 

Whether you are a maritime organisation seeking to improve your cybersecurity posture or an individual looking to expand your knowledge and skills in maritime cybersecurity, the Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence is here to provide you with the best support. Please explore our website to learn more about our services, research, education programs, and events. Please contact us if you have any questions or want to discuss how we can support your cybersecurity needs.

Our Team

Board of Directors

Director Message

As the Director of the Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence, I am committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and excellence in all aspects of our work. I am committed to fostering a culture of innovation, continuous learning, and knowledge-sharing within our organisation and the wider community. I believe that our work has the potential to make a real and lasting impact on the maritime cybersecurity landscape, and I am excited to be a part of this important mission.


The Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence is dedicated to providing high-quality cybersecurity services, conducting cutting-edge research, and delivering comprehensive training and education programs to help organisations in the maritime industry address the complex cybersecurity challenges they face. Our cybersecurity experts, researchers, and educators are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients, collaborators, and stakeholders and providing customised solutions that meet their specific needs. We believe in the importance of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning in building a solid and resilient maritime cybersecurity community. 

Gabriel Raicu

President of the Board of Directors
Director, Chief Executive Officer

Prof Gabriel Raicu is the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at the Maritime University of Constanta (CMU). 

He spearheaded the creation of the first-ever maritime cybersecurity simulator and was instrumental in establishing the inaugural maritime sectoral CSIRT. Annually, in collaboration with the European Security and Defense College, he coordinates the BSCySeC#X conference series and the Cyber ETEE Summer School.
Prof Raicu holds a master’s degree in maritime engineering and a doctoral degree in cybernetics. His work in the domains of  cybersecurity early warning with applications in the energy industry,  the protection of critical maritime infrastructures, and developing cybersecurity infrastructures and logistics has been influential.

In addition to these responsibilities, he is the vice president of the Cybersecurity Cluster of Excellence (CYSCOE), an organisation that brings together businesses, public authorities, and academia to promote cybersecurity’s development and societal integration. Furthermore, he maintains leadership roles in a range of national and international cybersecurity organisations.

Niculae Iancu

Vice-President of the Board of Directors
Chief Training and Education Officer

Dr Niculae Iancu has relevant expertise in national security. He has worked in the field of military research, international military cooperation and strategic planning,

with a particular focus on NATO and defence and intelligence policy and strategy. 

He is president of the Integrated Intelligence, Defence and Security Solutions Association, a Romanian NGO based in Bucharest.

Dr Iancu is a former Rector of the National Intelligence Academy. He teaches Security Studies and Risk Management at several Romanian universities. 

Dr Iancu is also a mentor on strategy, risk management and business and competitive intelligence with InnovX. He shares his expertise with the private sector, striving to inspire a culture of critical thinking and systematic business analysis methods among startup and scaleup communities.

Remus Zagan

Member of the Board of Directors
Chief Research and Development Officer

Prof Remus Zăgan is professor at Constanta Maritime University. He has relevant expertise in strategic thinking, and creative problem-solving. 

Prof Zăgan has an extensive experience in writing research projects and has succesfully coordinated numerous national and international projects.

Daniel Ionita

Member of the Board of Directors
Chief Cybersecurity Services Officer

Mr. Daniel Ionita is an expert in cyber politics and strategies, with competences in the cybersecurity domain, acquired during the administrative and operational 

development at CERT-RO, in his position as Director of the Analysis, Policy, and Cooperation Directorate (January 2012-March 2019). As an expert of Council of Europe took part in implementation of cyber projects in different countries, all over the world. During the rotating Presidency of Romania at the EU Council, he has coordinated, as Chairman, the works of the cyber European Group – Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues.

He is a Brigadier General, retired, and holds a BA from the Faculty of Law at the University of Constanța, as well as a Master in Education Management in Security Culture from the National Academy of Intelligence, Bucharest. Currently, he is CEO of CYMED, a cybersecurity company providing services especially in health care domain.


Vasile V. Draghici

Member of the Board of Directors
Chief Security Officer

Dr Eng. Vasile Draghici is the president of the Romanian Association for Security Education and Culture, ARECS. Dr Draghici has a keen interest in the realm of organizational security. 

He boasts a breadth of expertise encompassing policies related to physical security, personnel security, and information security within the NATO and EU frameworks.

Liviu Mihai Danila

Member of the Board of Directors
Chief Community Officer

Dr. Liviu Mihai Danila, born in Botoșani on Romanian Armed Forces Day, pursued a military path that commenced at the Military High School and 

concluded upon his retirement in 2017 as a Brigadier General. In addition to his military expertise, he holds a Ph.D. in Military Sciences and an MBA in Strategic Management. Dr. Danila also holds the esteemed diplomatic title of “Minister Counsellor” and serves as a TAIEX expert for the EU Commission, contributing to the Union’s integrated political response to crises. Furthermore, he serves as an associate professor at UMC and CNAI/AP Al.I. Cuza.

Vasile T. Draghici

Member of the Board of Directors
Chief Cybercrime Investigation Officer

Dr Vasile T. Draghici is professor at the Law Department of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Ovidius University in Constanta 

and associate professor of the Maritime University of Constanta, specialized in the field of criminal sciences, teaching and coordinating criminal law undergraduate courses – fundamentals, criminal law, forensic, as well as courses in comparative criminal law, criminality in the maritime and fluvial field and cybercrime within the master’s programs and the Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence.

Remus Jurj

Member of the Board of Directors
Chief Compliance And Ethics Officer

Mr Remus Jurj is an associate professor at the Maritime University of Constanta. Having previously served as a prosecutor and 

contributed to criminology literature, his proficiency extends to various specialized areas, including environmental crimes, money laundering, terrorist financing, and cyber-terrorism.

Daniel Dumitrescu

Member of the Board of Directors
Chief Innovation and Business Development Officer

Daniel Dumitrescu is an expert in the field of innovation and risk-finance. Holding a PhD in Cybernetics & Statistics, 

he currently serves as the Chief Innovation Officer at InnovX, a prominent European Innovation Council (Acceleration) Partner and trusted vendor approved of NATO. 

Daniel’s primary area of expertise lies in identifying and nurturing emerging technologies. He employs a well-established methodology that has been validated through years of experience in the European and global innovation ecosystem. By leveraging his extensive knowledge, Daniel aims to support promising technologies scaling-up at both the European and global levels. 
His particular interests lie in breakthrough technologies, with a focus on deep-tech and dual-use applications. Daniel recognizes the importance of cybersecurity in today’s digital landscape and actively contributes to advancing this critical field. Moreover, he places great emphasis on energy resilience and the utilization of data analytics to drive innovation.

Our Values, Principles and Objectives


1.  Excellence: Striving for excellence in all aspects of our work, from research and analysis to service delivery and customer satisfaction.

2.   Innovation: Embracing innovation and creativity to develop cutting-edge solutions and approaches that address emerging cybersecurity challenges in the maritime industry.


3. Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration and partnerships with industry stakeholders, academia, and other organisations to foster knowledge-sharing and achieve common goals.

4. Integrity: Upholding the highest ethical and professional standards in our work with a commitment to honesty, transparency, and accountability.

5.  Diversity and inclusion: Embracing diversity and inclusivity, valuing and respecting different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences to build a more diverse and resilient maritime cybersecurity community.

6. Continuous learning: Fostering a culture of enduring learning and improvement with a commitment to staying abreast of the latest cybersecurity trends, threats, and technologies.

7. Service orientation: Putting the needs of our customers first and striving to deliver high-quality, timely, and effective cybersecurity services that meet their specific requirements.


1.  Govern: Taking ownership of cybersecurity risks and proactively managing them to ensure the safety and security of critical assets and operations.

2. Protect: Implementing adequate controls and countermeasures to safeguard against cyber threats and reduce the risk of cybersecurity incidents.

3. Detect: Maintaining situational awareness and promptly detecting cybersecurity events to enable swift and informed responses to incidents.

4.   Respond: Responding promptly and effectively to cybersecurity incidents to minimise damage and disruption, restore normal operations, and prevent future incidents.

5. Educate: Build a culture of cybersecurity awareness and education among employees, stakeholders, and the wider community to ensure that everyone understands the risks and knows how to respond to cybersecurity incidents.


·    Develop and issue public policy recommendations, strategies, and doctrines to guide decision-making and action in maritime cybersecurity.

· Conduct studies, analyses, evaluations, and forecasts to understand the current state of cybersecurity in the maritime industry and identify potential vulnerabilities, threats, and risks.

·  Develop and implement cybersecurity frame-works, standards, and guidelines to guide organisations in the maritime industry in developing effective cybersecurity strategies and controls.

·  Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organisations, academic institutions, and government agencies to promote knowledge-sharing, research, and innovation in the field of maritime cybersecurity.

·      Conduct cybersecurity assessments and audits to evaluate organisations’ cybersecurity posture in the maritime industry and identify areas for improvement.

·    Provide incident response and remediation servi-ces to help organisations in the maritime industry respond to and recover from cybersecurity incidents.

·    Develop and implement awareness and training programs on cybersecurity hygiene and best practices to help employees in the maritime industry recognise and respond to cyber threats.

·    Conduct scientific research projects to develop and evaluate new cybersecurity technologies and practices that can enhance the cybersecurity of the maritime industry.

·     Carry out technical, technological, and operational simulations, tests, and evaluations to assess cybersecurity measures’ effectiveness and identify improvement areas.

· Deliver comprehensive training and education programs on cybersecurity and related topics to build the knowledge, skills, and awareness necessary to address the complex cybersecurity challenges facing the maritime sector.

·  Collaborate with EU and NATO cybersecurity organisations to develop and implement joint cybersecurity projects and initiatives and training and education programs that enhance the cybersecurity posture of the maritime industry.

· Organise conferences, seminars, round tables, exhibitions, and cybersecurity culture events to promote knowledge-sharing and collaboration among cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and practitioners.

·   Run collaborative work platforms and communi-ties of interest to foster collaboration and information-sharing among stakeholders and promote innovation and continuous learning in maritime cybersecurity.


The Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence is more than just a provider of cybersecurity services and solutions for the maritime industry. We are also a platform for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and community building among cybersecurity professionals, researchers, educators, and students passionate about improving the cybersecurity resilience of the maritime sector. We believe that by working together and sharing our expertise, we can significantly impact maritime operations and infrastructure safety and security.

Our community comprises individuals and organisations from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, all united by a common goal: to promote cybersecurity awareness, best practices, and innovation in the maritime industry. We organise and participate in various events, such as workshops, conferences, and webinars, to facilitate knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities among our members. We also maintain an active online presence through social media, blogs, and forums, where members can engage in discussions, share news and insights, and connect with like-minded professionals.

As a member of our community, you will have access to a wealth of resources and opportunities to enhance your cybersecurity knowledge and skills. You will be able to participate in our training and education programs, attend our events, and connect with other members to exchange ideas and collaborate on cybersecurity projects. All community members will also have the opportunity to contribute to our research and development initiatives, share their expertise with others, and positively impact the maritime cybersecurity landscape.

We welcome all individuals and organisations who share our vision and values to join our community. Whether you are a cybersecurity expert, a maritime professional, an educator, or a student, there is a place for you in our community. Together, we can make a difference in the safety and security of the maritime industry.

Our Partnerships

Collaborative agreements entered into by CMU within the cybersecurity domain and related fields.

Education and research in the maritime cybersecurity.


Education, research, event organisation and technical cooperation, particularly in the area of maritime cyber security.


Establishment of the Cybersecurity Laboratory


Education and research in the maritime cybersecurity.


Education, research and technical cooperation, particularly in the area of maritime cyber security.


Education, research and technical cooperation, particularly in the area of maritime cyber security.


Education, research and technical cooperation, particularly in the area of maritime cyber security.


Teaching, research and technical cooperation particularly in the area of maritime cybersecurity.


Research and technical cooperation particularly in the area of maritime cybersecurity.


Fostering a culture of excellence in digital solutions.


Membership in the European Security and Defence College network.


Education, research, and dissemination in the area of cybersecurity.


Education, research, and dissemination in the area of cybersecurity.


Education, research, and dissemination in the area of cybersecurity.


Education, research, and dissemination in the area of cybersecurity.